Assistance With Zoning Regulations And Local Land Use Laws

Cacace, Tusch & Santagata is recognized for its work before municipal and state land use boards and other administrative departments. Founding partner Michael Cacace was selected as New York Magazine’s Stamford Land Use and Zoning Lawyer of 2011. We handle land use and zoning matters on behalf of commercial developers, homeowners and neighborhood associations before administrative boards and courts throughout Connecticut.
Approval Concerning Development Projects
We can help you get the approval that fits your development needs in Connecticut. Whether you are advancing a project under Stamford zoning regulations or any other municipality in Connecticut, we can help you pursue:
- Environmental permits
- Special permits
- Site plan approval
- Text amendments
- Variances
- Subdivision approval
- Mixed-use developments
- LEEDTM and green building projects
- Transit-oriented development
- Urban renewal projects
- Wetland approval
- Condemnation proceedings
- Eminent domain proceedings
- Telecommunication approvals
- Utility permits
- Appeals
Gaining Administrative Approval For Development Projects
Based in Stamford, Connecticut, Cacace, Tusch & Santagata is known for its proficient handling of complex issues involving real estate, environmental and property valuation law. As a result of our familiarity with Stamford zoning regulations and those of surrounding towns, we are recognized for our ability to shepherd substantial projects to successful conclusions. We represent local and national clients in all phases of real estate development. Our firm works effectively with state and local environmental agencies, health departments, zoning boards, building departments, historical commissions, architectural review boards, planning boards and state transportation authorities to get your project the approvals you need to move forward. Should a permit or project require appellate representation, we are experienced in handling appeals.
Streamlining The Approval Process For Your Development Project
At the planning stage, our attorneys can help devise your development strategy; consult on local and state zoning, environmental, and other land use regulations; and work to determine the most valuable use for your property. We take a team approach to development projects and work closely with other development professionals, including civil and traffic engineers, environmental consultants, architects and land surveyors.
Vast Understanding Of Telecommunication Laws
With decades of telecom experience, Cacace, Tusch & Santagata works with clients who need approval from the Connecticut State Siting Council. We understand the needs of carriers, site developers and property owners seeking to establish single or multi-carrier sites on new or existing towers or rooftops. Cacace, Tusch & Santagata can help clients navigate the environmental and long-term leasing needs that are unique to the telecommunication industry.
Published Cases:
Connecticut Appellate Court and Connecticut Supreme Court
- Alvord Inv., LLC v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals of City of Stamford, 282 Conn. 393, 920 A.2d 1000 (2007);
- Bongiorno Supermarket, Inc. v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals, 266 Conn. 531, 833 A.2d 883 (2003);
- Washington Trust Co. v. Smith, 42 Conn. App. 330, 680 A.2d 988 (1996);
- French v. Town of Clinton, 215 Conn. 197, 575 A.2d 686 (1985);
- Murach v. Planning and Zoning Commission, 196 Conn. 192, 491 A.2d 1058 (1985);
- Caldrello v. Planning Board, 193 Conn. 387, 476 A.2d 1063 (1984);
- Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Inc. v. Gill, 175 Conn. 483, 400 A.2d 726 (1978).
- Quarry Knoll II Corp. v. Planning and Zoning Commission, 256 Conn. 674, 780 A.2d 1 (2001);
- Miles v. Foley, 253 Conn. 381, 752 A.2d 503 (2000);
- Smith v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals, 227 Conn. 71, 629 A.2d 1089 (1993);
- Benenson v. Board of Representatives, 223 Conn. 777, 612 A.2d 50 (1992);
- Stamford Ridgeway Associates v. Board of Representatives, 214 Conn. 407, 572 A.2d 951 (1990);
- Connecticut Health Facilities, Inc. v. Zoning Board of Appeals, 29 Conn. App. 1, 613 A.2d 1358 (1992).
- Miles v. Foley, 54 Conn. App. 645 (1999)
- Greico v. Zoning Commission, 226 Conn. 230 (1993)
- Omnipoint Communications, Inc. v. Planning & Zoning Commission, 83 F.Supp.2d 306 (D. Conn. 2000)
Resolving Zoning Issues Effectively
Cacace, Tusch & Santagata provides legal advice to clients across Connecticut for issues that include family court, estate planning and much more. Have questions on criminal law, business law or landlord-tenant matters? Cacace, Tusch & Santagata covers it all. Contact us at 203-327-2000 today!